måndag 25 juli 2011

My gaming story.

I have been a gamer for as long as I can remember. I think it all began with a Spectrum 48k home computer in the middle of the 1980's and continued with more advanced computers such as the Commodore 64, the Amiga 500, PC 100 mhz and so on. At the same time, while enjoying video games, I've also always enjoyed role playing games and strategy games. Among the games I've played (excluding all kinds of video games) are roleplaying games such as: Dungeons and dragons, Drakar och demoner, Mutant, Lord of the rings, TORG, Chock, Runequest etcetera and strategy games such as: Shogun, Junta, Illuminati, Magic the gathering, Warhammer 40.000, Warhammer Fantasy, Car Wars, Heroquest, Talisman, Drakborgen etcetera. I've been playing these games on and off during most of my youth and throughout much of my adult life as well.

I played Warhammer Fantasy for the first time in 2004 and have been playing since then with a few breaks, some short and some rather long. I have owned the following armies at one point or another: Hordes of Chaos with a Nurgle theme, Dwarfs, Tomb Kings, Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarfs, Goblins, Dogs of War, Wood Elves, The Empire, Warriors of Chaos and Orcs and Goblins.

I have also played the Lord of the Rings strategy game briefly while it was a pretty new game and I owned and painted a small Rohan army. I played Warhammer 40.000 for a while and painted an Eldar army. My eldar army featured many of the elite units and snipers and it had the Alaitoc theme (yellows and blues).

I currently own, play and paint: The Empire, Warriors of Chaos and Orcs and Goblins.

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