måndag 25 juli 2011

My gaming story.

I have been a gamer for as long as I can remember. I think it all began with a Spectrum 48k home computer in the middle of the 1980's and continued with more advanced computers such as the Commodore 64, the Amiga 500, PC 100 mhz and so on. At the same time, while enjoying video games, I've also always enjoyed role playing games and strategy games. Among the games I've played (excluding all kinds of video games) are roleplaying games such as: Dungeons and dragons, Drakar och demoner, Mutant, Lord of the rings, TORG, Chock, Runequest etcetera and strategy games such as: Shogun, Junta, Illuminati, Magic the gathering, Warhammer 40.000, Warhammer Fantasy, Car Wars, Heroquest, Talisman, Drakborgen etcetera. I've been playing these games on and off during most of my youth and throughout much of my adult life as well.

I played Warhammer Fantasy for the first time in 2004 and have been playing since then with a few breaks, some short and some rather long. I have owned the following armies at one point or another: Hordes of Chaos with a Nurgle theme, Dwarfs, Tomb Kings, Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarfs, Goblins, Dogs of War, Wood Elves, The Empire, Warriors of Chaos and Orcs and Goblins.

I have also played the Lord of the Rings strategy game briefly while it was a pretty new game and I owned and painted a small Rohan army. I played Warhammer 40.000 for a while and painted an Eldar army. My eldar army featured many of the elite units and snipers and it had the Alaitoc theme (yellows and blues).

I currently own, play and paint: The Empire, Warriors of Chaos and Orcs and Goblins.

My painting story.

In the middle of the 1980's my brother and I began playing role playing games. Shortly thereafter we bought some rubber molds made by Prince August in their Fantasy Wars series which allowed us to create our own metal miniatures to use in our games. My brother wasn't very interested in making any of these miniatures or in painting them but I was instantly fascinated. I loved to melt the metal, pour it into the rubber mold and see the finished model inside the rubber. I later began painting these home made models, using Humbrol's enamel colours. These enamel colours are nothing like the acrylic paints of today, as anyone who has used them will know. The old enamel paints enabled colouring of the models in one layer, but none of the fancy shading or highlighting that most models are painted with today. I made models like these and painted them like that for many years to come...

I stopped painting models in 9th grade and had a long break from miniature painting until my vacation from a job in 2003 when I suddenly had the creative urge to paint miniatures again. I bought a Dark Elf Assassin, some Dwarf Slayers, some plastic monsters, some plastic Heroquest models, a can of black spray and a set of beginner's acrylics colours. Painting miniatures with acrylic colours was a whole new world to me and I've been painting miniatures since then.

Miscellaneous miniatures.

Blood Bowl Lizardmen team.

Warmaster High Elf Lord on Eagle - 10 mm scale.

Orcs and Goblins.

6th edition starter set Orcs with two choppas painted to represent Savage Orcs.

Savage Orc Shaman on Boar.

The Empire

My entire Empire army as it looked in early 2010, last tournament with 7th edition rules.

Empire General on Griffon - the model is the older griffon with a 5th edition Knight of the Blazing Sun (carrying a plastic sword)

2 Bright Wizards - "ME 11 Gandalf the Wizard" from Citadel's 1986 version of Lord of the Rings and "PC1/A Wizard With Magic Staff" from Citadel's "Adventurers starter set".

19 greatswords with full command and a BSB on foot, 9 halberdiers detachment. The unit consists mostly of old metal models, and even a gnome and a ninja!

20 6th edition Flagellants.

My favourite unit in the army... There are 25 models in the unit, the flagellant in the front row is the standard bearer, next to the rogue champion, next to the cannon crew singer (musician). Most of these models are old citadel models, a prophet from talisman, rogues from talisman, johann the knife from mordheim, some flagellants from mordheim etcetera, etcetera.

5 Knights with full command and a Grand Master of the White Wolf as their units champion.

5 more Knights with full command and Luthor Huss as their champion.

10 Crossbowmen with models from the regiments of renown "Marksmen of Margliano", a musician from the "Alcatani's Pikemen" and some older Citadel "Fighters".

10 Huntsmen featuring 6th edition metal archers, Citadel "Fighters", "Halfling", a samurai archer and "Legolas" from Citadel's old LotR line from 1986.

Old metal Steam Tank.
Plastic Flagellants.

Greatswords - an ancient slottabase Chaos Lord and Citadel F2 Fighter Paladin Le Marquis De Sword.

2nd edition Talisman - Assassin and Rogue.

Arch Lector on War Altar.

Cannon in plastic.

Captain on Pegasus - conversion using only plastic pieces from the Bretonnian Pegasus Knights, Empire Knight and Empire Flagellants.

Hobbits and Gollum. From left to right (top picture) they are "ME-34 Hobbits of the Shire Pippin", plastic Hero Quest Halfling, "ME-84 the Hobbit personalities pack Gollum", "Lumpin Croop" and "Hobbit Militia" (not certain about that last one...)
Grey Wizard Lord on a Pegasus using a Bretonnian Pegasus and an Empire Grey Wizard (and the colour scheme of Gandalf the Grey...).

Warriors of Chaos

6th edition warriors in plastic, painted in the colours of Slaanesh or possibly Tzeentch.

Hasslefree Griffon painted to represent a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch.

Old metal Chaos Lord modelled and painted to represent a Lord of Khorne.

Grenadier Barbarian from the 1980's.

Ogre "Bounty Hunter" sculpted by Jes Goodwin.

"Skrag the Slaughterer ogre champion" sculpted by Jes Goodwin.

Golfag's standard bearer, from the regiment of renown unit.

Mounted Sorcerer of Chaos.

Old Citadel metal Troll.

Dragon Ogre.

The Ogres unit - Skrag the Slaughterer, Hrothyogg and Bounty Hunter!

A wild mix of old metal barbarians - all of them are Citadel metals and are used to represent Slaanesh Marauders.

Keeper of Secrets, Greater Daemon of Slaanesh (the previous version) A.k.a. "The Slaanesh Giant".

"Hrothyogg, Ogre Champion" sculpted by Jes Goodwin.

6th edition plastic warrior mounted on a wooden disc to represent a flying Tzeentch character.