tisdag 4 augusti 2015

Trollblood Fennblade - and step by step pictures

These are lovely models, I like all the Trollbloods miniatures. But I haven't had a lot of time and/or energy lately to spend on painting. So I've been painting this single model for several months. I took some step by step pictures as seen below.

The finished model. I also added dead grass and snow effect to the base.
The colours used for the base coats.

The base coats.

Shaded with Soft Tone.

I didn't like how the shading looked so I added Dark Tone.

Skin areas highlighted with troubled base first and then mixed with troubled highlight.

Red areas done.

Eyes and teeth. They're too white so I added shading later.

Green areas highlighted.

The blues and browns highlighted.

Highlighted the base with festering brown.

Highlighted all metal areas with pig iron followed by cold steel. It became too bright and "polished" so I added new shading with seraphim sepia - which I also used to shade the eyes and teeth for a more natural look.

Highlighted the gold. After this I added basing materials to the base - and done!