tisdag 4 augusti 2015

Trollblood Fennblade - and step by step pictures

These are lovely models, I like all the Trollbloods miniatures. But I haven't had a lot of time and/or energy lately to spend on painting. So I've been painting this single model for several months. I took some step by step pictures as seen below.

The finished model. I also added dead grass and snow effect to the base.
The colours used for the base coats.

The base coats.

Shaded with Soft Tone.

I didn't like how the shading looked so I added Dark Tone.

Skin areas highlighted with troubled base first and then mixed with troubled highlight.

Red areas done.

Eyes and teeth. They're too white so I added shading later.

Green areas highlighted.

The blues and browns highlighted.

Highlighted the base with festering brown.

Highlighted all metal areas with pig iron followed by cold steel. It became too bright and "polished" so I added new shading with seraphim sepia - which I also used to shade the eyes and teeth for a more natural look.

Highlighted the gold. After this I added basing materials to the base - and done!

lördag 6 april 2013

Deutsches Afrika Korps!

I have sold my Orcs and Goblins army and bought an army for Flames of War instead. I haven't painted much of it yet, but these are some Fallschirmjäger that I've painted so far. They're mid-war germans - Deutsches Afrika Korps.

onsdag 26 december 2012

Peasant warrior

Grenadier warrior from the early 90's
I've owned this miniature for about 20 years, i bought it in my youth and i'm not sure which brand it is. I think it's a Grenadier miniature but i'm not sure. This figure had a different club originally but it fell off so i replaced it with a club from the plastic Flagellant sprue.

tisdag 12 juni 2012

Lord of Nurgle/Sorcerer Lord of Death

The Lord of Nurgle model by GW, painted in turquoise to represent a Sorcerer lord of Death magic.

torsdag 26 april 2012

My current empire army!

2400 points of Empire goodness, using the 7th edition Empire book.

Arch Lector on War Altar

The army BSB, banner made out of this paper

The Amber (beast magic) wizard lord

A fire dragon if the wizard should ever succeed with his transformation...

Captain on a pegasus

30 Swordsmen with full command

30 Spearmen with full command

30 Flagellants with prophet of DOOM!

5 Inner circle knights

5 more Inner circle knights

The Steam Tank

Great Cannon

Helstorm Rocket Battery

fredag 13 april 2012

Ogre Firebelly

I have painted this Ogre Firebelly for a friend, as I don't play Ogres myself. It's the first "finecast" model I've painted and I must say I'm not impressed with the material and/or casting of the model. Many minor flaws in the model and I really do prefer the weight of metal models! :)